Saturday, September 26, 2009

My mind has changed my bodies frame but God i like it

a few updates ive enjoyed living in lincoln for the most part mostly i like my girlfriend shes a neat gal i got a job at this place called cedars working with troubled youth its been interesting thus far i get told to fuck off by fourteen year olds on a daily basis ha oh well im working on trying to get them to exercise some creativity with the english language with little to no success to date some of their situations are down right depressing if you ever you begin to question wether the state of the american family is as bad as they say it is come work with me for a day and youll see that its far worse than you could ever imagine please excuse my lack of creativity with the english language for a moment but i was watching the film saving private ryan with my roomy the other night and they used the acronym fubar meaning fucked beyond all reason and i thought to myself that fubar was an excellent fit for the state of the american family every day the fact that WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF A SAVIOR is further concreted in my mind

Thursday, August 27, 2009

it aint me babe

following jesus isnt a balancing act its a lifestyle a lifestyle that proves to be quite tricky if your not paying attention ive noticed that recently its become more of a balancing act for me by this i mean ive pretty much been doing whatever i feel like and jesus is more of just an afterthought i dont think that jesus was into balances i think hes more of an all or nothing sort of guy ive realized that being a follower entails a lot of listening learning to shut up and listen to the spirit is hard but not immpossible anyways im working on it and with an incredible amount of grace ill get there whevever there is i suppose ha anyways on to the title of this here post i dont think that bob dylan was pointing at higher power when he wrote the song it aint me babe however if you take a look at the lyrics from that perspective it reveals a neat spiritual truth for anyone who has ever been romantically ivolved i think its really easy to get sucked into thinking that our joy depends soley on our signifigant other and not our creator now im not saying that enjoying that person that hes put into your life isnt a part of it but thats just it its just a part of it

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

this is heavy man

so it has been while since ive last updated but what does it really matter because very few people read this from now on i think i will use this for my one benefit a journal of sorts if you will so that one day i can revisit this page and reminisce it occurred to me the other day that i probably only remember about 10 percent of my life to date sad oh well perhaps this blogg will help but in all likelyhood ill just forget about this blog like everything else once again oh well i went to see william fitzsimmons with my lady friend this past friday it was swell i like him i like my lady friend even more i went camping last night with the bros good times indeed we had good conversation i have been blessed with awesome friends lord willing we will be moving to lincoln in the very near future ive uploaded some photos from my cellular phone via bluetooth enjoy

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

on a rack in a store for a discount price

summer thus far: girl = -), coffee, camp, rediscovering the inner farmer that lives inside us all.

the other day i went out and purchased a copy of "jesus for president" by shane clairborne. a good read thus far. mr clairborne aslo wrote the irresistible revolution which is a good read as well. many pass him off as some sort of christian anarchist. i disagree. ive been wrong before but read it and decide for yourself.

this is the view from which i write you. its pretty neat. i was reminded of something the other day while i was out camp. it had been a super long day and the kido's were driving me nuts. there is a group of a good people who come and put the kids to bed while the counselours get a break. i was sitting out on a bench all by my lonesome, it was dark, the sky was clear, it was quit, i was loving every minute of it and cringed at the thought of returning to my cabin. anyways the point is i think that a lot of the time we "feel close" to God when we are out by ourselves enjoying His creation. now im not saying that theres not a time or a place for that but i once heard someone say that you are closer to God when you are near even those whom we consider the most grotesque and unpleasent people then you would be when watching a beautiful sunset (or sitting on a bench by yourself in the quit) because we (not a pretty sunset) our his image bearors . being the incredibley selfish person that i am it is a hard amen. but an amen nonetheless. ha i dont know if that made any sense or if anyone ever reads this for that matter but i just thought id share.

Friday, May 1, 2009

things i miss

the fam